Sunday, January 26, 2014


Today is a post about prayers...most specifically I've got some prayer requests.
1. My husband Eric- he hasn't been feeling well.  Shortly after listening to an awesome sermon, I felt the need to go home and check on Eric.  He hasn't been feeling well, Sinus allergy junk and stuff.  No flu or anything like that.  So as soon as the offering plate passed by, I made my exit to get the kiddos and head home (Sorry Lenette and Samantha for not saying Bye).  Let me tell you, so thankful I did!!!  When I got home, first thing that came out was "need to find someone to watch the kids, something's not right. I need to go to the ER".  

Okay....for my husband to say that is scary!!  Anyway, his left side was feeling heavy, left eye kind of droopy, he said it was worse earlier while I was at church.  HELLO.....CALL YOUR WIFE!!! :-)

Thankfully, he is fine.  We went to the ER, had his brain scanned.  Doctor believes he has Bells Palsy which is what we both thought but you never know. Better be safe than sorry.  So he is on anti-viral medication.  Please be in prayer for him, as he continues to get over the sinus crud, praying the BP symptoms do not get any worse even though we were told they probably would.  

2.  Kayden - my sweet 6 yr old has been having headaches.  I started really noticing them around a month ago.  They are becoming more frequent and getting worse.  Kayden will go to work with me and see our favorite PA and then we will be heading to get a CT scan tomorrow.  This is more for our peace of mind.   
He had a pretty bad concussion over the summer, so this isn't his first scan.  
Please be in prayer over our lil man, that we will find some answers.  

Thank you so much for your prayers!!! 

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